понедельник, 4 июня 2012 г.

Tinkoff, Davidov and others

Just yesterday, my well-known compatriot and namesake of the coming forth a review of a book by Oleg. review. good. But good it is, as Davydov, t. e. perfectionism and rejection of the global economy simply shines with all its cracks. So thank you, jerk. Dmitri falls criticized the Tinkoff, forgetting that he himself was mainly known only as a blogger, whose projects, if they were now merged, and the epithets in the direction of his blog are mostly subjunctive mood or memoirs ' and remember how he . So the two men deserve each other.

I can not say that Oleg - I figure a nice. Ambiguous - yes. Created the image of a successful entrepreneur - yes. Disturbing the minds of thousands of young people - ten times yes. But it is still to stop, take a break and give yourself the word Oleg.

I consider myself a good investor, but a bad manager. Most likely, such and will remain forever, because it has not received sufficient education. Motivates me, of course, the lazy. I do not want to work myself, so am trying to lead other people. So in fact easier, huh? . Some hobbies are so severe that the projects become larger. (. in Russian, of course, the scale ). Other businesses do not grow as we would like to. Oh well, always have something to switch.
http://www. vedomosti. ru/smartmoney/article/2006/08/28/1233.

I do not know what Oleg is reading lectures at universities and other Skolkovo, but mainly it is famous is not something Creatrix, and the successful sale of another business. Good luck, of course, to a certain scale. Oh, sorry, but it 's too expensive and timely sale of Sibneft one well-known oligarch makes a sale, and restaurants and Pivnyak Tinkov something small and unobtrusive. But again, give the floor to Oleg.

In fact, never early and never cheap: as soon as proposed, is likely to be sold, strange as it sounds.
http://olegtinkov. livejournal. com/100600. html.

Thus, Oleg can not boast of anything, that under his leadership has lived a significant period of.

Oleg still loves to compare himself with Branson ( saying that he is different, but we know what that means!). But if they are somewhat similar, so it is in the mentality and the way made ​​their way into the business. At the end, all comparisons. That's the advice I bought a book Tinkova Richard ' Naked Business '. Pretty boring kosnoyazykoe reading until the end of which I have not read. But in any case it is clear that Branson has chosen a different path. The path creation. Branson does not cling to their businesses, he pumps the brand, but did not name himself, but quite separate, well-known Virgin. And something I have not heard any of his companies, from the management of which he departed, bent in obscurity. Those airlines, where the proportion of Branson declined from zero to 20%, continue to fly and make a profit. However, it is not important, and that when Branson retires or dies, will live Verdzhn. Because it is two different things. A strategy Tinkova I can only compare with the strategy of Donald Trump, who put his name on everything, which could reach up to. Still turned out to be a loser.

Obviously, part of the success of Oleg that his personal needs are covered for a long time that he earned. He did not Polonsky, to throw unearned. He is modest, rachitelen, perhaps, even greedy - I do not know what's the reason, probably in childhood and upbringing. So any step up for him is really a step up, because it is not accompanied by significant investments - their Tinkoff makes the expense of others. Then he, too, has no equal at its level, of course ( does not compare well with Pugachev, who recently took a three -yard drive in debt to close to the central bank ).

But for me, do not be a revelation when Tinkoff to sell the bank the next investor in and out of the business to do, for example, air traffic or construction. Why not? . And also not to be the revelation that the bank did not survive the debt load and then crash.

There is a trend in business management, you can call it. Power Engineer -to-business. When the business is kept afloat only thanks to the vigor of his head. Lack of money in one place is compensated for by creating other debts in a more noble position. Plus dozens of promises, dozens of meetings. I do know the. And personally, and by many times observed. I have even a. pocket Tinkov. Whose business I am slowly absorbed. His first startup was so noisy, how low was the end of. But then I have earned this. A second absorption over hyped start-up was over for me, a loss of 15k dollars. Since then we have relations, but most have not zatyanesh support created by this person.

Energetic business, which passes from hand to hand, like a juggler as the two pass each other a dozen balls, supporting them in the air. One wrong move and all the balls - on the ground. And as the business grew, stirring, collected some money. And if - and only losses in the balance. Of course, blame the previous owner 's new in mismanagement, to which he rightly noted that such a fucking gently take was just unreal. Almost any personalized business - it is. Power Engineer -to-business. , Which can be bought for one reason only - nezatertye assets and / or removal of a competitor. And not because you want to earn.

I have a deep respect for the publicity Tinkova. To his broadcasts on the rush. TV. Its articles and columns in the press. But it is necessary to recognize the same or David Yang Ashmanov - where big business than Oleg. A Tinkoff for me was, is and will remain first and foremost promoter of entrepreneurship, a sort of a business journalist. As at the time Dmitry Davydov was popularized in the field of Internet earnings and blogging, he is essentially not having achieved considerable success in either, nor in the other. These people need to Russia in its present state, when it became too fashionable to say that everything is bad in the country. The trend, which seemed to end in the late nineties, he returned with renewed vigor after the crisis under the brand name ' fucked up - a sign of democracy '.

Returning to the odious figures in the network can not forget about Mr. Chichvarkin. Leaving aside the dark history of weaning and selling businesses, it must be admitted that the Malis copes much better. Almost rolled off Euroset, never shows a profit for Chichvarkin suddenly began to bring it with Malice. Miracles? . Euroset has become infected with energy and a normal network, capable of showing good results without any loss of quality of service and the eccentric behavior of its Directorate. And that was not dull, as the face of the company attracted very intelligent Ksenia Sobchak.

And finally, the last figure on today - is. Artemy Lebedev. Yes, he is no restaurateur, and never was a designer. But Artemije - a great manager and a good psychologist. Artemy gift that bears his name, never developed expansively. Lebedev does each step only when confident of its 100 % margin. Web Design, Industrial Design, Printing, Souvenirs. You can somehow relate to patterns of creativity studio, but this bitch for sale. The restaurant and cafe - it is rather a hobby. But he can not afford it. And, of course, impossible to ignore the citizenship Artemia. For jokes, jokes, and provocations Matyuk hide very much sober thought. sound suspiciously. All we would like to say them publicly, but for different reasons to do it ssym. But Lebedev is not pissing. If there is another popular blogger, who also speaks openly, so it Bulk, but there's another song and another pair of shoes. And the theme - it is the consumer voice of sitting in the depths of each one of us, when we swear, sitting on wooden benches in the train or the swearing of uebischnogo design of city streets in his hometown. I would say that Lebedev - a man who lives by promoting the principle of ' take away the first for a ', and it's incredibly cool. I do not believe that the increase in pensions to pensioners of 10 rubles, far better to improve the form of city bus stops, and the building will give the city the next monument is more than escalators for the disabled and prams in shopping centers. Anyway, all this does not make the restaurant better than Artemia, and the shop does not cease to be a garbage antiques.

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